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Раздел: Объявления и реклама Продам спутниковый ресивер Humax 8100 PVR с НДД 80 ГБ дешево 

Создана: 24 Июля 2010 Суб 10:31:25.
Раздел: "Объявления и реклама"
Сообщений в теме: 1, просмотров: 672

  1. Kissur1


    Более 7 лет на форумеМуж.
    24 Июля 2010 Суб 10:31:25

    Основные возможности

    Digital Satellite Receiver

    * Scrambled channel receivable with DVB CI.
    * MPEG-II Digital & Fully DVB Compliant.
    * Max. 5000 channels receivable.
    * Channel list mode in All, Favorite, Satellite, Scrambled.
    * Finding channels by name.
    * 5 Favorite channel groups (Max. 100 channels in each group).
    * Channel search in automatic, manual and network search.
    * Channel sorting by Channel Number, Alphabet, FTA.
    * Installation Wizard helps easy and automatic installation step by step.
    * DiSEqC version 1.0, 1.2 USALS compliant (2.0 compatible).
    * Timer Setting Supports automatic Turn-On and Off daily.
    * Subtitle supports EBU and DVB subtitle.
    * Teletext Supports DVB ETS300472 by VBI insertion.
    * Dolby Digital Audio Output (optical).
    * Auto language selection of program for Audio language with user setting in menu.
    * PAL/NTSC In and Out.
    * Video format in 4:3, 16:9 and letterbox.
    * English, German and more than 10 European and Asian OSD languages.
    * Parental control with block on system, all channels and programs by age limitation.
    * Software Upgrade via OTA and serial connection (RS - 232C).
    * User-friendly EPG and Information Plate.
    * Extended information shows the full program information.

    Personal Video Recorder

    * Momentous pause and play with button during A/V watching.
    * Fast Forward & Fast Rewind in various speeds.
    * Jump to live program.
    * Slow Motion to Forward & Backward in various speeds.
    * Automatic rewind for a time and play with button (Instant Replay)
    * Time shift recording for 60 to 90 Minutes.
    * Recording live channels and stop.
    * Recording reservation in EPG information.
    * Recording reservation with setting start time and duration.
    * Play back of recorded services with Trick play modes.
    * Built-in hard disk drive.

    Стоимость 2500 рублей

    Humax 5300 - 1000 рублей.

    Все оборудование в хорошем состоянии.

    Тел. 51-61-86