сливаются техноднб (и не только) пластинки
Создана: 07 Апреля 2009 Втр 10:22:36.
Раздел: "Клубная жизнь"
Сообщений в теме: 15, просмотров: 2300
1. Temper D : Sunrise at Sonar / Minimal Blink : Offkey, OK 008 - 300
2. Proket, Sunchase & Cerebral : Salo / Widescreen - Matome, MATOME 012 - 300
3. Temper D & K Fire / Proket : Tabledeath VIP / Proportion (Lethal & Kharnage remix) - Offkey Records, OKLTD 001 - 250
4. Proket - The Apocrypha EP : Show me / Guta / Skafandr / Kaskad - Off Key, OK 007 - 700
5. MASHEEN, CANNON BOYS & NC-17 / PROKET : THE MENACE / LOCOMOTIVE : SINUOUS, SIN 015 - 500 (могу ещё передумать и не продавать этот пласт)
6. Raiden & Temper D : False alarm / Superstar dickhead - Temper D Productions, TDPV 001 - 300
7. Raiden / Lethal & Khanage: Machine Soul [Panacea RMX] / Murkage [Panacea RMX] : OffKey Ltd, OKLTD002 - 300
8. Cooh : Duuure / Ventil - Position Chrome Recordings, PC 069 - 300
9. Propaganda / Prode : Third wave / Borer - Revolution Recordings, REVREC 006 - 400
10. Prode : Pritchit / Rule of the gene - Collective, ELPC 007 - 400
11. Counter Intelligence LP : Masheen & Kano - Paranoia / Masheen & Kano - Breaking point / Prode - Cubik / Proket - Gardarika / DSCI4, DSCI4LP 006 - 700
12. Propoganda / Silva D : Slip away / Vortex 4 - Sounds Devious, SD 004 - 200
13. Limewax : Nature of evil / Impaler - Habit Recordings, HBT 021 - 200
14. Propaganda : Nobody listens to techno / Windmill & Keys - Position Chrome, PC 064 - 200
15. Metrik : Tenia / Bad future - Collective Ltd, COLLECTIVELTD 001 - 250
16. Erre / Vengeance : Play with us / TMA - Melting Pot Records, MPR 008 - 200
17. Raiden & Rodell - Kings of The Warehouse EP : Love your robots / Vietnam never happened / Wednesday wake / Headhunter - Subsistenz Music, SUBS 002 - 750
18. Various Artists - Broken Souls EP : Corrupt Souls & NC-17 - Big juice / Masheen - Distant echo / Codex - Ring / Identity - Breakaway - Sinuous, SIN 013 - 600
по одной скидывать не буду) рассмотрю варианты обмена)
ps. тут ещё немного всякого нейро/ликвид фанка итд)
1.Total Science / Q-Project : Nosher (Baron rmx) / Safety clause (Tango & Ratty rmx) - C.I.A. LTD - 400
2. Brookes Brothers : Portal / Desert Island W10 Records, W10002 - 350
3.Matrix vs. Futurebound : Womb / Family (Nu:Tone & Logistics Remix) - Metro/Viper, MTRVPR 006 - 250
4.THE QEMISTS : a - Stompbox aa - When Ur Lonely : NINJA TUNE, ZEN 12196 - 300
5.Kelis vs Kiko / Beastie Boys vs Unknown : Milkshake [Kiko RMX] / Hold It Now [RMX] White Label - 150
6.Syncopix & MTC Yaw : Good morning / Future uncertain - Form Recordings, FORM 008 - 300
7.J Majik & Wickaman : Capoeira VIP (feat Tim B & Gill Felix) / Nebula - Infrared, IREDSPIDER 007 250
9.Aphrodite : Twilight [RMX] / [Slag Bass RMX] - Aphrodite, APH045 - 350
10. Cause 4 Concern : Pandemic / Never acid again - C4C Recordings, C4CUK 001 - 200
11. Rawtekk : DNA V.I.P / Disarm - Disturbed, DISTURBD 013 - 300
12. Mathematics & Munk / Rusher : Future Past / Prophecy [Taken from The Juice Blender LP] Citrus Records - 200
13. Fresh : Chainsaw / The union - Violence Recordings, VIO 022 - 250
14. Optical : Electric music / Kung foo - Virus Recordings, VRS 020 - 250
15. Cooh / Black Sun Empire : Armeny / Monologue - Obsessions, OBSE 009 - 300
16. N.Phect & Dizplay / The Green Man : a. White Russian (State Of Mind RMX) b. Damn Wire (N.Phect & Dizplay 2007 VIP RMX) - BASSWERK, BW 027 - 350
17. Receptor / Ballian : Rhyno / Intrusion : Breed 12 Inches, BRD 002 - 250 -