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Раздел: Нужна помощь Тема: I search for a old school frend plz help
/ Чт Авг 18, 2005 6:28 pm
hi... can y give your email again please with @ .. |
Раздел: Нужна помощь Тема: I search for a old school frend plz help
/ Пт Июл 29, 2005 9:35 pm
hast du meine PM bekommen??? scha mal in deine messeges rein.. habe dir etwas geschrieben |
Раздел: Нужна помощь Тема: I search for a old school frend plz help
/ Пт Июл 29, 2005 2:43 pm
Vielen Dank... ich lass mich auf keine perversen sachen ein....
Hast du noch kontakte in Omsk.. Ich wohne in der nähe von Köln... War seit 1990 nicht mehr da...
Danke für den Tip...
Die sprechen da bestimmt kein deutsch....oder? |
Раздел: Нужна помощь Тема: I search for a old school frend plz help
/ Чт Июл 28, 2005 5:50 pm
So i thank you!!!
I have send you an email with information. If you need something.. you know how to find me.
Alex |
Раздел: Нужна помощь Тема: I search for a old school frend plz help
/ Чт Июл 28, 2005 12:48 pm
Oh yeh. you are right.
I keep hier sitting and wait the time you need to learn anther language or an russian keybort felt on my table from the haven!!!
ennso |
Раздел: Клубная жизнь Тема: Flashback–a trip inside your self to the awakening JULY 30
/ Чт Июл 28, 2005 1:48 am
it is possible to find hier someone who can speak english or german?
or are you rush in Omsk so uncutured/uneducated? |
Раздел: Клуб Планета 357 xcx Тема: Sunvibes Afterparty пятница Планета 357
/ Чт Июл 28, 2005 1:41 am
I come back soon....
and will make party in every location.....
PLZ read help/searchnig old freand |
Раздел: Нужна помощь Тема: I search for a old school frend plz help
/ Ср Июл 27, 2005 8:51 pm
Can someone help me...
I can help you...
with my conections in germany.. |
Раздел: Нужна помощь Тема: I search for a old school frend plz help
/ Ср Июл 27, 2005 8:03 pm
no.. cologne... |
Раздел: Нужна помощь Тема: I search for a old school frend plz help
/ Ср Июл 27, 2005 7:58 pm
Germany... |
Раздел: Нужна помощь Тема: I search for a old school frend plz help
/ Ср Июл 27, 2005 7:29 pm
I search for my old frend Andrej Titov.. he lived at "levij bereg"
He is 29-30 years old. And was in school number 20...
PLZ help me searching...
I have to come back to omsk and visit all....
my school time starts at 83... in school number 20...
You can write me in english, german or russian...to. ennsyodf@hotmail.com
Can someone help me.. PLZ
The same shitt in german:
Ich suche einen alten Schulfreund. Sein Name ist Andrej Titov. Wie der Ruamfahrer damals. Er ist ... ..... .... ... .. . |